Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Julia's Science Fair Project

Julia's science fair project was to see what liquid Lifesavers would dissolve in fastest. The liquids were: milk, orange soda, root beer, sprite and water. What is your guess? The results surprised us. Water dissolved the quickest followed by sprite, orange, root beer and milk dissolved the slowest.

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Paula and I went snowshoeing at Snow Basin. The day was once again beautiful with a bright, blue sky. The snow is blinding it is so white and clean. Blue, the dog, came along once again. In the next week or two I'll be snowshoeing to Donut Falls. I can't wait to see the water fall in winter!
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Friday, January 16, 2009

Cross Country Skiing

Sally and I went cross country skiing at Snow Basin. It was a great day with bright blue sky and not a cloud in it!
Blue LOVES to go to the mountains with me. He runs and runs but is obedient to come when I call. Plus, he comes in handy when I get tired and pulls me up a long hill. NOT!
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Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Day 2008

Once again, Christmas is a big hit.

The kids actually slept past 8:00. Jeff and I got up before they did.

The dog was watching us open presents. He started out at the other end of the room on the tile and kept inching his way toward us. He eventually made it practically on our laps.

Look carefully, the cat's tail is sticking out the bottom of the tree. He really likes all this excitment!

Christmas Eve 2008

For Christmas Eve we ate, sang Christmas songs and read form the bible of Jesus's birth. It was a special evening.

Dad read from Luke 2.

Bingo is a favorite tradition of ours.

Young and old alike "get into" the bingo game and gifts.
Elisabeth invited two friends for Christmas: Scott and Elsie.


December 24, 2008

We went sledding on a mountain side called North Fork
Sledding on Christmas Eve day was so much fun! As you can see the snow was very deep with fluffy, soft powder snow.

We actually made a "luge" run down the hill.

Celesta's friend, Derek, came with us. When they made snow angels they about burried themselves.

Katrina, Celesta and Elisabeth

Be sure to watch THE GREAT SLED RIDE listed below on the right in the favorite downloads section! (The video is too big to put in this posting.)

Julia shows no fear on a sled!

One of life's simple pleasures was today on this mountain side.

Jeff, Derick, Celesta and Elisabeth on a sled run

Celesta and Derek making snow angels.

Kyler's 1st birthday

November 2008
Kyler turns 1 years old

Julia turns 10 years old

November 2008
Julia's 10th birthday

Canyonlands National Park

O October 2008

We had a great time in Canyonlands National Park.
The canyons are so enormous!

This is a picture of us sitting under an arch.

Look carefully, Jeff, Julia and Katrina are standing on an arch up very high with sharp drop-offs on both sides. UhG. I can hardly watch (only to take a picture)


September 2008

Before and after pictures. I lost 50 pounds this summer by eating good foods, watching portions sizes of food and riding my bike.

Evans Family Reunion

July 2008